tuomas rantanen biography
Tuomas Rantanen comes from Finland and his musical style is modern percussive techno. Prior to his own techno music productions he studied classical guitar and theory of music at Tampere Conservatory. In 1995 he started co-operation with Finnish techno producers Tommi Yliruusi (Detunez Records) and Sami Heikkilä (Spinni and Oikosulku Records). Soon they set up a production studio together and a new kind of idea for underground techno culture in Tampere started to form.
In 1999 he signed a record contract with the top British techno producer Glenn Wilson (Planet Rhythm and Template). Later on in the same year came out templ8.9, written and produced by Tuomas Rantanen. After that Tuomas Rantanen has released on Belgian label KK Traxx and German label Definition. KK Traxx is one of the most famous Belgian labels and its artist roster includes Backdraft and G-Force. Definition Records is a techno label from Leipzig, Germany. Other Definition artists have been, for instance, Gianni Parrotta, Marcin Czubala, Ade Fenton and, of course, the label owner Christian Fischer.
Tuomas Rantanen has studied Philosophy at Tampere University. He wrote his Master's Thesis about the philosophy of Martin Heidegger; especially Heidegger's concept of understanding and language. Tuomas Rantanen has also broadcast his own radio programme on the University radio station Radio Moreeni. Main topics on his techno-philosophical programme include the quantum theory of David Bohm, Miletian cosmology and ancient metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle.
The latest releases of Tuomas Rantanen have been published on Swedish techno labels such as Emergence Records and Maracas Records, which is run by Johannes Wikström a.k.a. Yourhighness. Tuomas Rantanen has published strong techno releases also on other labels including Audio Assault (The Netherlands), Electracom (England), Fak Records (Finland) and BC Records (Germany).
"Doch das Sein -- was ist das Sein? Es ist Es selbst. Dies zu erfahren und zu sagen, muss das künftige Denken lernen. Das >>Sein<< -- das ist nicht Gott und nicht ein Weltgrund. Das Sein ist weiter denn alles Seiende und ist gleichwohl dem Menschen näher als jedes Seiende, sei dies ein Fels, ein Tier, ein Kunstwerk, eine Maschine, sei es ein Engel oder Gott."Martin Heidegger, 1947
Audio Assault | Electracom | Jaxx Records | Maracas Records | Planet Rhythm | Radio Moreeni | KK Traxx | Definition | Records | Spinni | FAK Records | Emergence Records
tuomas rantanen