Ei mitään uutta auringon alla?
Nykyisessä teknossa alalajeineen, kuten ambient house, voisi väittää kiteytyvän koko vuosisadan elektronisen musiikin historian avantgardesta minimalismiin. Ralph Gleason kirjoitti oivaltavasti vuonna 1970 merkinnöissään jazzmuusikko Miles Davisin 'Bitches Brew' -albumiin "sähköisen musiikin" kehityksestä -- ja näitä ajatuksia voisi soveltaa kenties kaikkeen uuteen musiikkiin, olipa se sitten kokeilevaa teknoa tai äärimmäistä avantgardea:
So Lenny Bruce said there is only what is and that's a pretty good basis for a start. This music is. This music is new. This music is new music and it hits me like an electric shock and the word "electric" is interesting because the music is to some degree electric music either by virtue of what you can do with tapes and by the process by which it is preserved on tape or by the use of electricity in the actual making of the sounds themselves.Electric music is the music of this culture and in the breaking away (not the breaking down) from previously assumed forms a new kind of music is emerging. The whole society is like that. The old forms are inadequate. Not the eternal verities but the old structures. And new music isn't new in that sense either, it is still creation which is life itself and it is only done in new way with new materials.
So we have to reach out to the new world with new ideas and new forms and in music this has meant leaving the traditional forms of bars and scales, keys and chords and playing something else altogether which maybe you can't identify and classify yet but which you recognize when you hear it and which when it makes it, really makes it, it is the true artistic turn on. (1)
Bangs, Lester. (Edited by Greil Marcus). (1987) Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung. New York: Vintage Books.
Bey, Hakim. (1985, 1991). T. A. Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism. New York: Autonomedia. Saatavana verkosta osoitteessa http://www.hermetic.com/bey/taz_cont.html.
Broms, Henri. (1984) Alkukuvien jäljillä. Kulttuurin semiotiikkaa. Helsinki: WSOY.
Cage, John. (1959) Indeterminacy. Die Reihe no. 5, s. 117. Wien.
Collin Matthew. (With contributions by John Godfrey). (1997) Altered State. The Story of Ecstasy and Acid House. London: Serpent's Tail.
Cosgrove, Stuart. (1988) Seventh City Techno. The Face no. 97 (May 1988), s. 86-89.
Denyer, Ralph. (1982) Suuri kitarakirja. Helsinki: WSOY.
Gleason, Ralph, J. (1970) Liner notes to Miles Davis: 'Bitches Brew'.
Holmes, Thomas B. (1985) Electronic and Experimental Music. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Inkinen, Sam (toim.) (1994) Tekno -- digitaalisen tanssimusiikin historia, filosofia ja tulevaisuus. Helsinki: Aquarian Publications.
Konttinen, Jussi. (2005) Taikasauvan ihmeellinen hyrinä. Helsingin Sanomat, 4. elokuuta 2005.
Lanza, Joseph. (1995) Elevator Music: A Surreal History of Muzak, Easy-Listening, and Other Moodsong. New York: Picador.
McKenna, Terence. (1992a) Terence McKenna with The Shamen: 'Re: Evolution'. Transkriptio CD-singlen mukana seuranneesta julisteesta. London: One Little Indian Records (118TP7CD).
McKenna, Terence. (1992b) Food of the Gods. The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge. New York: Bantam Books.
Mielonen, Samu & Rautio, Erkki. (1994) Iltasatuja reivaajille. Ex no. 1, 11-13.
Otonkoski, Lauri (toim.) (1991) Klang -- uusin musiikki. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Puttonen, Hannu. (1992) Bring the Beat Back! Helsinki: Yleisradio. (Tv-dokumentti).
Radcliffe, A. Joe. (1980) This Business of Disco, s. 63.
Rautio, Erkki. (1999) Anton Nikkilä. Saatavana verkosta osoitteesta: http://phinnweb.bombsquad.org/5HT/interviews/anton_nikkila/.
Reynolds Simon & Oldfield, Paul (1990). Acid Over, teoksesta Blissed Out: The Raptures of Rock. London: Serpent's Tail.
Shaw, William. (1992) Earthcore -- the chaotic rise of Spiral Tribe. Select August 1992, 24-30.
Saunders, Nicholas. (1995) Ecstasy and the Dance Culture. London: Nicholas Saunders, distributed by Turnaround and Knockabout.
Steinbock, Dan. (1980) Sisäistetty herruus. Helsinki: Otava.
Toop, David. (1988) Marshall Jefferson interview. The Face Vol. 2 No. 3 (December 1988), 100.
Uusitorppa, Harri. (2000). Jo Raymond-setä soitti syntikkaa. Helsingin Sanomat (11. elokuuta 2000), B 9.
Vail, Mark. (1993) Vintage Synthesizers. San Francisco: GPI Books/Miller Freeman Books.
Vale, V. & Juno, Andrea (1983). Re/Search #6/7: Industrial Culture Handbook. San Francisco: Re/Search Publications.
1. Holmes 1985.
2. Denver 1982, s. 64.
3. Vale 1993, s. 205.
4. Vale 1993.
1. Otonkoski 1991.
2. Holmes 1985.
3. Cage 1959.
4. Otonkoski 1991.
5. Holmes 1985.
6. Otonkoski 1991.
7. Uusitorppa 2000.
8. Otonkoski 1991.
9. Bangs 1987.
10. Mielonen & Rautio 1994.
11. Collin 1997, s. 12
12. Radcliffe 1980.
13. Juno & Vale 1982.
14. Collin 1997, s. 14-20
15. Reynolds & Oldfield 1990.
16. Collin 1997, s. 22
17. Toop 1988.
18. Cosgrove 1988.
19. Collin 1997.
1. Saunders 1995, s. 54-57.
2. Shaw 1992.
3. Inkinen 1993.
4. Broms 1984.
5. Broms 1984.
6. Steinbock 1980.
7. Bey 1985.
8. McKenna 1992a
9. McKenna 1992b.
10. Shaw 1992.
11. Puttonen 1992.
12. Rautio 1999.
1. Gleason 1970.
Joitakin merkittäviä tekno- ja house-raitoja:
Adonis: No Way Back (1985)
Afrika Bambaataa: Planet Rock (1982)
Aphex Twin: Digeridoo (1992)
Joey Beltram: Energy Flash (1991)
Cybotron: Clear (1981)
Electribe 101: Talking With Myself (1988)
Future Sound of London: Papua New Guinea (1992)
Hardfloor: Acperience (1993)
Jaydee: Plastic Dreams (1993)
LFO: LFO (1991)
Li'l Louis & The World: French Kiss (1989)
Derrick May: Nude Photo (1987)
Meat Beat Manifesto: Mindstream (1992)
M/A/R/R/S/: Pump Up The Volume (1987)
Jeff Mills: Bells (n. 1996) / Phase 4 (n. 1994)
Moby: Go (Subliminal Mix) (1991)
The Orb: Little Fluffy Clouds (1990)
Orbital: Chime / Belfast/Wasted (Wasted Vocal Mix) (1992)
Phuture: Acid Trax (1988)
Plastikman: Spastik (1994)
Primal Scream: Higher Than the Sun
(A Dub Symphony In Two Parts) (1991)
Prodigy: Charly (1991)
Renegade Soundwave: Phantom / Blue Eyed Boy (1989)
Rhythim Is Rhythim: Strings Of Life (1987)
Stakker: Humanoid (1988)
[Intro] [Hardware] [Software] [Interface] [Pääsivu] Copyright © 1994-2005 Erkki Rautio
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