Last time updated 5 August, 2004
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pHinn, pHinnWeb / Kompleksi / pHinnMilk Recordings, Tampere, Finland
Zeppelin Warfare
Dubbing Mixers: Muuttoautomusaa (Tuulanauhat, 7")
Ectomorph: Dada (Interdimensional Transmissions, 12")
The Emperor Machine: The TV Extra Band / Bloody Hell (DC Recordings, 12")
Herbie Hancock: Rockit (Columbia, 12")
Imatran Voima: The Church of Latterday Maggots (Tellektro, CD)
Miss Kittin: I Com (Novamute, CD)
69: Sound On Sound (Planet E, 12")
Wang Lei: live at Telakka, 3 July 2004p H a c t :
The public are advised to familiarise themselves with the appearance of British and German airships and aeroplanes, so that they may not be alarmed by British aircraft, and may take shelter if German aircraft appear. Should hostile aircraft be seen, take shelter immediately in the nearest available house, preferably in the basement, and remain there until the aircraft have left the vicinity: do not stand about in crowds and do not touch unexploded bombs.+
Michael Herr: Dispatches (book, 1977)
George Pelecanos: Soul Circus (book, 2003)
Jim Thompson: The Grifters / Omnibus 2 (books, 1949-63)
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Nathan Siter / Abyssal Echo / Moshka-Medicine / Zhark Records, Tampere, Finland
1. propeller island_ capture of the beast_perhaps a soundtrack to the scariest horror movie EVER... dark heavy ambient music that fucks with your head... it is almost a game... it took over seven years to complete and leaves you in a murky swamp filled with human refuse at the end (well almost).2. william basinski_ the river _heavy minimalism in the realm of brian eno and steven reich... but done with the hand of an experiment expressionist living in NYC.
3. kemialliset ystävät_ alkuhärkä_ the battle of eternity vs infinity continues.
4. miles davis_ bitches brew_ miles (the bitch) whips his band into a hard free funk frenzy.
5. propeller island_ my beautiful lfo_ individual soundsculptures make up this surprisingly brilliant and complete album... i like where he literally destructs the album at the last track.
6. pgr with merzbow and asmus tiechens_ grav_ ambient noisescapes... harsh and unforgiving.
7. stockhausen_ oktophonie_ the instrumental version of the second cd of dienstag aus licht... electronic masterpiece...
8. sole_ bottle of humans_ this man doesn't rhyme when he speaks his mind... truthful and intelligent... unique beats.
9. rapeman_ two nuns and a pack mule_ steve albini teamed up with some guy from the jesus lizard... heh, one song is called 'kim gordon's panties'...
10. propeller island_ the garden_ again another from lars stroschen... probably one of the best soundscape ambient albums ever.. heh... he even has a hotel... not sure if i'd want to spend the night in his house.
Dax DJ, Family House, Italy
Made in Italo # 1 - Mogdax - CDR
Tomboy - One - Gomma
Daniel Wang - Berlin sunrise - Ghostly
Kango's Stein Massiv - Loding - Trailerpark
Nick Chacona - Meso loco - Moodmusic
SJNRL 01-02 Re-edits
Matzo & Pauli EP - Viewlexx
Krause Duo - Rambazamba - Musikkrause
A.S.K. - Shake for you - Odori
Ecstasy - Big TonyALBUM OF THE MONTH
Lindstrom presents Plague The Kid - Bear Entertainment 12" BE06 Fuzz Against Junk - Country Clonk 2004 (Lindstrom Remix) Bear Funk 12" BFK04
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